16083 N. Franklin Blvd. Suite 4 Nampa, Idaho 83687 (208) 461-7153 info@customfluidpwr.com



Custom Fluid Power offers vacuum products from leading suppliers in the industry.  Air-Operated, Single-Stage and Venture Vacuum Pumps, along with Suction Cups are just a few offered products.

Innovative solutions from our suppliers have increased the productivity and lowered the costs in all application where vacuum product are used.


Standard Suction Cups

Specialty Suction Cups

Vacuum Generator

Suction Cups

Vacuum Generators

Non-Contact Transfer


Vacuum Generator

Vacuum Pad Multi-Mount


Vacuum Pads

Vacuum Valve

Pressure/Vacuum Switch

Vacuum Pump

Air Amplifiers

Vacuum Cups

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum Valve Stacks

Venturi Vacuum Cartridges

Venturi Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum Cups

Vacuum Extensions

Vacuum Generators

Vacuum Regulator